How much our lives are ruled by our inbox! Email is at once
a blessing and a curse. As a publisher, editor, academic, writer, creative
practitioner and human being I receive about 200 emails a day. Who says we’re
not communicating?
Email isn’t the only
Though sometimes it can feel like it. So, should we cut it
down? It would seem sensible to BUT I’m inclined not to. Everything I receive
in my email box is welcome in fact – even the bad and irritating news.
Sometimes I can’t action it straight away – so I put it into a “To Do” folder.
Sometimes I’m never going to action it in time and it’s not important. I’ve found this wonderful little button on my
computer – marked “Delete”. I don’t
unsubscribe from lists, though. Odd times when there are a few more minutes to
spare, I often find something useful on these lists.