How we came to publish this one
Linda Morse was one of our winning authors in the first Waterloo Festival Writing Competition. As ever, we are often pleased to work with authors we have published in one of our anthologies. And Linda was offering something a little bit different: a collection of monologues.
The title
Linda came up with the title ‘Just Sayin’ but we realised that Malorie Blackman had used that for her autobiography. There isn’t any copyright on titles but we considered it might have looked as if we were hitching a ride in the marketing process. ‘And I said’ is totally appropriate as the stories are about what Linda or her characters said. .
Some notes about the process
This went through the normal three stages of editing:
· A structural edit
· A line edit
· A proof read
As well, of course as the normal four proof reads.
The cover
Linda provided the photo for the cover.
Some notes about style
Each monologue is unique and the voice differs throughout.
Who we think the reader is
These are entertaining to read, just as you might read pieces of flash fiction, though they are a little longer. They are of course also very good read out loud. They may be of interest to drama groups.
What else
Linda is very happy for you to use her work without asking permission. Do let her know though and if possible she will come and watch. And send photos and news about the event in any case.
Review copies
It’s always great if you can buy the book and give us a review. Just click on the link to be taken to our bookshop. If you would like to review and you are strapped for cash, just get in touch for a free PDF or e-book file.