Saturday 12 May 2018

Working with Libraries

Architecture, Building, Structure

It's worth getting to know your local library and librarians. They will often be willing to stock your book if it can be ordered through the distributor Bertrams. All of ours can.

Can you offer your library something else? Can you give a talk? You won't be paid for this but you may be able to sell a few books and you can raise awareness about your writing.

My own local library network has been offering something rather nice recently: early evening or Saturday "afternoon" tea with an author reading. These have generally been authors published by the small press, so we live in hope.

If you know your librarian well, you can often organise a bigger event such as a half day workshop for which you can make a charge. Some libraries have access to funds they can use to pay you a fee which will be about the same as a day's supply teaching.
If you're planning to offer a bigger event, prepare some detailed plans before you pitch to your librarian even if s/he has become a good friend.

Your library will be able to help publicise your event. They can have it on their website, put it in their newsletter, have leaflets in the library and pass on details to other libraries. However you will also need to do your bit.

Of course any reading groups may be willing to read your book. They might even invite you to attend though that might be a little scary.

It's not a bad idea anyway to join your local library. It's a great way of accessing free books and getting to know what is going on locally.   

This is an extract from   So Now You're Published, What Next? If you are published by one of our imprints, this book is free of charge. Contact me if you have had a problem downloading it.