Wednesday 28 October 2015

The Long List is out Shelagh Delaney Competiton

The following titles will be appearing in the collection. In no particular order:

One More Cup of sugar
The Rains of Salford
Everything’s Best in the dark
Three in Four Out 
Buried Voices
The Salford Manifesto  
The Trajectory of Patrick Brown  
Murray Mints 

Even Dead Fish Swim Down the River
Fresh out of the Pond
A hui hou kakou’
The Last Storyteller
Little Red   

We're publishing titles only at the moment, so that the shortlisting judges won't know who the authors are.  

Well done to all!    

Monday 19 October 2015

The Shelagh Delaney Collection

I feel very privileged at the moment to be included in the first second of judging the entries for this collection. We had 51 entries and we’re selecting the best twenty to go into an anthology. We were looking for strong character-driven stories that show acute observation of human life similar to that found in Delaney’s works. As I’ve been the person collecting the entries I did have a little peek at some of them as they came in. I’ve certainly seen some strong writing and some fantastic characterisation.

Our first round judges tell me they’re almost there – deadline is 22 October.
I’m looking forward to the next round when a colleague and I will reduce the long list to a short list of six from which the final winner will be selected.
It’s all so exciting.