It can be quite exciting, watching the submissions coming
in. We at Bridge House tend not to look at them until the submission period is
over. We don’t want to start making decisions until we have the whole range.
However it’s disappointing when it’s clear that some people
have just not read the guidelines. We’ve had several novels submitted. Nowhere
on our site does it say we’re interested in novels. We have only ever published
one novel and have decided that we prefer our anthologies of short
stories. Not that there is anything
wrong with Laura Wilkinson’s Bloodmining.
In fact, we’re rather proud of it. Our sister impring, The Red Telephone, publishes ya novels. But Bridge House's strength is definitely the short
story. So, we’ve rejected these novels outright.
We’ve also said that we don’t want children’s stories this
time round. We’ve been sent a few. I’ve
actually not rejected these straight away. Some might be all right. They might
fit in with our “snowflakes” theme.