Friday, 21 October 2022

Fresh Beginnings by Leela Dutt


How we came to publish this one

We have known of Leela’s work for some time and were very pleased to put together this collection of her short stories.

The title

As often with a short story collection, the title is also that of one of the stories. In a sense, though, don’t all stories give us an opportunity for a fresh beginning? Something ends and something new may begin. As one reviewer says, there is an offer of change in the lives of ordinary people.

Some notes about the process

This book went through the normal three stages of editing. Leela worked with one of our free-lance editors.   

The cover

The cover and the inside illustrations are provided by Leela’s daughter, Kate Attfield.

Some notes about style

There is a tendency towards the literary here. Leela Dutt’s writing is tight and well-crafted. The story arcs are effective.

Who we think the reader is

This collection is for the discerning reader who likes to be invited to contemplate life. This collection is recognised in academic circles.

What else

This is a bit of a family affair with daughter providing the illustrations and grandson helping with social media and promotion.  

Review copies

It’s always great if you can buy the book and give us a review. Just click on the image to be taken to Amazon or here for other options of buying. If you would like to review and you are strapped for cash, just get in touch for a free PDF or mobi-file.       

Find your copy here