Find the book that has sold the fewest in all of the ones you’re involved with and as far as possible work through these actions, one a day. And / or use these for any one of your titles.
1. Edit your web site- is it easy for people to contact you? Mention this book. Can you give a copy away today?
2. Face book ad – send to place where you can get people on to your mailing list
3. Send out your book information to one quirky media outlet
4. Edit your web site. What about its appearance?
5. Approach a quirky reader
6. Make a Podcast of part of your book
7. Revisit key words again. Create a post that includes those key words. Make sure you include a call to action.
8. Approach a local radio station.
9. Approach a quirky reader
10. Advertise on Persimmon Tree
11. Revisit key words again. Create a post that includes those key words. Make sure you include a call to action.
12. Approach a quirky reader
13. Approach a local TV channel
14. Make sure your Amazon Author page is up to date. Post out a link to it.
15. Request reviews via your email list. Not got an email list yet? Start building one. Or approach my Dream Team. Send me some copy and I’ll send it out to them.
16. Give an on-line talk- invite people.
17. Consider a book ad: Bookbub* Contentmo, Amazon, Facebook
18. Approach a quirky reader
19. Post on Good Reads. Consider a giveaway?
20. Approach reviewers.
21. Approach a local TV channel.
22. Create a book club guide for this book and make it available via your web site, blog or Facebook page.
23. Approach a quirky reader
24. Add a strap line to your email signature. You can remove or replace this later. It’s always good to change them from time to time anyway. Make sure it contains a call to action.
25. Approach a blogger to see if they will feature you and / or your blog. No won’t hurt you and at least they’ll have heard of you. Yes will mean you’ll get some publicity.
26. Create a book club guide for this book and make it available via your web site, blog or Facebook page.
27. Ad ereadernewstoday
28. Ad thefussylibrarian
29. Book barbarian (science fiction or fantasy only)
30. Reach out to similar writers
31. Box set with similar writers
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