Tuesday 15 October 2024

The House of Clementine


How we came to publish this one

This is the fourth novel in my Peace Child series. Book 1, The Prophecy was the novel that formed part of my PhD thesis: Peace Child, Towards a Global Definition of the Young Adult Novel. It was the first time I’d written for YA and the first time I’d written SF. The SF was a way of exploring society and the novel interacted with the theory of what a YA novel was. I researched this by reading a lot of YA novels in many languages and in other Englishes and examining their publishing and labelling  process.

I’m actually almost at the end of the edits of my sixth Peace Child novel. There is one more to come and there is one waiting in the wings to be published                

The title

All of the Peace Child novels have a very strong sideways sub plot. This one here is of that of the House of Clementine which started off innocently enough: a family became good at growing clementine and soon become a dynasty. Corruption set in The House of Clementine can never be fully inclusive. It has an outside. This is also important in the novel I am currently finishing.                                                                 

Some notes about the process

Although I own the publishing company this still went through all the normal processes.

The cover

The book is illustrated throughout by Ashleigh James, my older daughter. She has                       provided the cover of all of the Peace Child novels.  

Some notes about style

I’m told I have a very simple style and I believe in plain English. I believe there is good use of the senses in this book and that helps to portray the setting. I have tried to maintain a good narrative balance.

Who we think the reader is

As we have published through The Red Telephone we’re primarily seeing this as a Young Adult novel. It is at the older end of that. There is romance and implicit sex. Certainly those adults who enjoy reading young adult books ought to like this.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

What else

All of the Peace Child books grapple with current issues. In this one a president wants to build a barrier around his planet. However he is not orange and he is quite young and slim. He does indeed though have a special relationship with the House of Clementine. As with all of the Peace Child books a sub-plot includes or seems to include the supernatural.  

Review copies

It’s always great if you can buy the book and give us a review. Just click on the link to be taken to our bookshop. If you would like to review and you are strapped for cash, just get in touch for a free PDF. 

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