Monday, 18 November 2024

Kathleen by Amanda Jones

How we came to publish this one

Amanda is one of our editors and she is also a regular contributor to CafeLit. She is editing The Best of CaféLit 14 for us. In fact, this was first published as a CaféLit serial. Here, though, we’re publishing it as a Feisty Women book.     

The title

Plain and simple: the book is about Amanda’s mother and her mother’s name is  Kathleen  

Some notes about the process

All stories on CaféLit are given a brief copy edit before they are posted. So, we collected the posts from the site. We only made further copy edits and proof reads to the text we had. However the book was a little short. For that reason we decided to add in some of Kathleen’s own work and we also decided to print in the format we orally use for collections of flash fiction.       

The cover

Just a fabulous photo of Amanda and her mum. What could be better?

Some notes about style

These little stories are not really memoir nor are they biography. This is more a collection of vignettes and some of the pieces are actually written by Kathleen herself.   

Who we think the reader is

There is much about disability in this book so it may appeal to those people who are living with disability or have friends or relations in that position. Also though, these short pieces are very well crafted and verge on being prose poetry or poetic prose. They will please reader who enjoys that type of material.

What else

Amanda has conducted several talks and works shops based on this book.

Review copies

It’s always great if you can buy the book and give us a review. Just click on the link to be taken to our bookshop. If you would like to review and you are strapped for cash, just get in touch for a free PDF.


Grab your copy here.        

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